Sunday, May 25, 2014

Hellspawn ready

So Im pretty happy with my take on the 45 ton Hellspawn. Its ready to go to the casters and Im now  taking pre-sale orders to get the ball rolling.
The cost will be $75 plus $20 for shipping to the US. Overseas I have to charge $35 for shipping. I need 10 pre-sale orders to get this going. If this sells  over 20 kits I'll be able to run the Atlas.

Please paypal me using         include a note about the Hellspawn.
Ill hold the payments there in case we dont get to the required number to start the run. If it falls short Ill refund the full amount.
Thanx for your support all.

Update:June 15th and we're at 7. This is much slower than I hoped but we're getting there.


  1. Looks like you tried to give it a MWO feel to it. Nice job my friend. How tall does it stand?

  2. Thanx Tim. Its 7 inches tall to the top of the pod.
    And yeah it has an updated look as the old one is really just a boring boxy shape.

  3. Money on the way! I will probably be willing to trade for a second... ;)

  4. Is this still available? So says the-Johny-come-lately-one)

  5. I'd be interested in the Hellspawn model if it is still available. Let me know. Cheers,
